What Calling Restrictions Mean for You (Verizon, AT&T) – Explained

Calling restrictions pertain to limitations placed on outgoing calls to specific phone numbers or regions. These restrictions can be implemented through a call blocking service. If you encounter a message stating “calling restrictions prohibit dialing,” it may indicate that you are outside your plan’s coverage area or that your calling plan imposes restrictions on roaming or calls beyond your local area.

Additionally, the person you are trying to call might have configured call blocking features that prevent calls from particular numbers. In some instances, malicious individuals may use calling restrictions to harass others over the phone.

If you’ve ever tried to make a call and received a notification that the number is restricted, you might be curious about its implications. Does it mean calls from my area code are not accepted? Is the phone no longer in service? This blog post will delve into the definition of Verizon calling limits and offer guidance on what to do if you encounter them.

What then are the calling limitations?

In essence, they are restrictions on who may call or be called by a particular phone number or range of numbers.

Incoming Calling Restrictions

This indicates that the caller opted for anonymity, choosing to withhold their phone number from appearing on your Verizon phone’s caller ID display when the call is flagged as “restricted.”

In certain instances, the caller’s mobile or landline settings may consistently conceal their identity during every call. Entities such as bill collectors often employ this practice to prevent debtors from rejecting calls originating from a specific number.

If you have reservations about a restricted call, you may choose to direct it to voicemail or an answering machine. This allows the caller to potentially identify themselves through a message, enabling you to return their call if necessary.

Outgoing Calling Restrictions

The most common type of Verizon calling restriction is outbound call restriction, which means that specific individuals or groups are unable to make calls to the designated number. Various reasons may underlie this restriction, including:

  1. Restricting calls to only customers affiliated with the business that owns the number.
  2. The owner of a telemarketing number aiming to prevent unwanted calls.
  3. Numbers belonging to government organizations that only permit calls from specific numbers.

These examples illustrate the diverse reasons why someone may choose to restrict incoming calls on their phone line.


Why do businesses put up call restrictions?

Businesses may establish call limits for various purposes. This could involve restricting calls to specific area codes or aiming to prevent sales calls from telemarketers or other sources. Encountering a restricted phone number can be bothersome, regardless of the rationale behind it.

How can you tell if a number is restricted?

Several methods exist to recognize call limits on a number, with the most apparent being the message received when attempting to make a call. Frequently used phrases include “the number you have dialed is restricted” and “this number cannot accept calls from your area code.” Another indicator is if the phone continues to ring without reaching voicemail, potentially suggesting that the owner has configured their voicemail box to exclusively accept calls from specific numbers.

What should you do if you come across a call-restricted number?

If you encounter a restricted calling number, several options are at your disposal. One approach is to attempt calling the number from a different area code. If this proves unsuccessful, you can try making the call on different days of the week or at various hours. Additionally, reaching out to the company through their website or social media accounts and requesting inclusion on their list of authorized callers is another potential avenue.

How do I bypass Verizon calling restrictions?

Dial *82 before the number you want to call if you have Verizon and need to get around their calling limitations.

What does Verizon’s news regarding calling restrictions mean?

This message signifies that the phone number you are trying to call is blocked, and your call won’t be accepted. It may also appear when attempting to call a toll-free number from your phone. To circumvent these limitations, input *82 before the number. For more information, please visit their website or contact (800) VERIZON.

How can you tell if someone blocked your number?

Several indicators can suggest if your phone number has been restricted. One sign is the lack of returned calls, even after making several consecutive attempts. Another hint is when their phone only rings once before routing directly to voicemail.

To determine if someone is open to communication after blocking your number, consider calling them from a different phone or reaching out through social media. If all else fails, you can attempt sending a text message, but the lack of a response may indicate that your number has been blocked.

Can telemarketers call from restricted numbers?

It’s possible but not guaranteed. To circumvent caller ID blocking services, some telemarketers may attempt to call from restricted numbers. However, toll-free or unlisted numbers are often utilized by telemarketers.

If you wish to cease receiving telemarketing calls, the most effective step is to register your phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. For more information, please visit their website or call (888) 380-ACTs.


We genuinely trust that this blog post has provided clarity on the concept of line constraints and outlined the appropriate actions to take when encountering them. Stay tuned for additional valuable insights in our upcoming posts.

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